Saturday, September 22, 2012

Fact check update/it's never too late for you. Choose love.

With respect to my previous post, and for matters of integrity ....I spoke with my sister today who was very emotional and hoping to go by my dad's place just to look around and find some closure for the pain she carries around. I asked her specifically and pointedly if my dad had sexually abused her. Her reply was that he often got fresh and kissed her in a non daughterly way, and maybe did some groping, but not actual sex.  From where I sit, that is still wrong and abuse of a child's trust, innocence  and ultimately ability to feel safe.

She then informed me that the pain she carries with her is the pain from watching my dad beat the hell out of her mom while she (my sister) watched and screamed. No child. No person should ever have to witness that.

I felt it important to correct the account from the last blog after speaking with her.

It is never, ever for even a nano-second ok to ever inflict adult situations onto children or teenagers in any circumstance. It is vile. Wrong. And permanently damaging. There is no poor judgment or moment of is wrong and it is grand larceny of that child's ability to ever feel safe. To trust. It is evil. And I do not care what the cultural norms are.

More to come on child marriages that seem to be acceptable in many parts of the world. Even our own USA, so don't point your fingers till you've done some research. There's plenty of child sex slave trade going on in America. Yes. In America.

It is also never, ever ok to physically, emotionally, mentally or otherwise abuse your spouse or any other human being. Regardless of the gender.  Ever.

So. I'm sorry. So sorry, sister, for the pain and innocence stolen. And for the pain you watched your mother go through and the helplessness that left you with. Like i said, no child, no person should have to endure that. I so hope you find the peace you seek and that you take comfort in the loving and beautiful family you have made for yourself.

Love. If we all just came from a place of love, and much more beautiful this world could be.

You have a choice. We all do. And every moment you spend allowing yourself to be abused or abusing someone else is a choice that wastes precious life force and opportunity. It dishonors the gift we have before us.

I know. I used to be a victim. Fuck that. There's a great big beautiful world out there and it is full of amazing people and I refuse to allow any any pain or experience from my past, no matter how horrific, to rob me of my love affair with this world.

Decide today. Change today. Stop today. Life is way too goddamn short. Taste that strawberry of life and smear it all over your face.  Get the seeds in your teeth.  Live.  And love.  And mean it.  And if the situation you are in doesn't allow for acceptance and for you to be the best you possible? Change it.  Or leave it. Make it count. Do it for you and for all the beauty YOU can bring about in the world. You're worth that. It's not selfish. It's sanctuary. I'm not kidding.

I believe in you. Believe in yourself. Love yourself. Forgive yourself.

Love. Just. Love.

Write your story the way YOU want it to read.

Maybe your childhood sucked. Get over it. Mine did too. Don't be a victim. Become a champion. Become your own champion or someone else's. Or both. But... Let. It. Go. Your victim story. Your perpetrator mentality. Whichever it is. You may well be the only one standing in your way. You are the only one who can change your life. And I believe when you decide to choose to change, the universe and loving, helpful people will come to your side. It works that way. Works the opposite too. Choose light. Choose love. End the story that you think you're trapped in. You are only trapped in your mind.

Ok. Enough preaching for today.

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