Sunday, September 2, 2012

August light...

Have you ever noticed exactly how very beautiful August light is? Do you have any idea what I mean when I say "August light"? I'm certain I am not the one to discover it, but I first noticed it as a young barefoot girl walking around my dry, sandspur studded yard in southern North Carolina listening for the sounds of birds, getting lost in the flight of dragonflies, picking wildflowers, and dreaming of the day when I could grow up and travel and see the world. 

I've always had an affinity for August...the end of summer merging into beginnings around the corner with a new school year...the deepest, darkest greens appearing on the leaves all around just before they start to burn in brilliant bursts of yellow, orange, red... sigh...

But there is something about the exact tilt of the earth and how it sun dances across the world in August.  I've seen it in Costa Rica, North America, Europe and in the Middle East - so I've got to believe there really is something special about August light. It glows with a more subtle gold than the relentless July sun.  August light is beautiful and sorrowful at the same time.  It is full of promise and bittersweetness for things you can't even name.  I'm not talking about the nostalgia of back to school blues, no more beach time, no more backyard barbecues, no more carefree weekend drives to nowhere...(because when you grow up and realize you have the power of choice, you still do these things and get to experience them all in a more sublime and beautiful way).  I mean, the beach is great in the early throes of summer - but a sunset in the Outer Banks or the Outer Hebrides or Oman in the late August or early September is pretty hard to beat.

August light brings magic with it...and brings it with purpose and intent. Why, this very August in fact, I was in the exact right place at exactly the right time in the presence of the exact right energy that seemed conjured up by the Universe herself. As Augusts go, this was one for the books.

You've heard me mention my whole deal with gratitude, right? I know, broken broken records go - we could all do worse, so indulge me? Thanks. So back to gratitude. I'll tell you, because you may want to have your own little gratitude experiment to see what it brings you....

Gratitude. Is. Life. Love. Everything. THE. THING.

Living and walking in gratitude and maintaining this passionate love affair with the great big world has done more for me than I could ever begin to tell you. (but you know I'm gonna give it the old college try, right?)

I dig rolling this way...wish ya'll would roll with me. Maybe we'd stop watching reality TV and invading each other's countries and demeaning anyone who disagrees with us and would pay attention to what we feed our bodies, our minds, our children, our hearts, our souls, OUR PLANET. She's been so good to us...she just loves us, it's so time to love her back. And ourselves. And our bodies, our minds, our children (ok that's a given - -so make it our metaphorical children...let's say our progeny 1000 years from now), our hearts, our souls. I know I sound all "shiny, happy, people" and like the biggest hippie peace freak, but WHAT matters more than loving each other? And loving ourselves? And loving our planet? I can't imagine.  Not for the life of me, I can't.

I wish we could let our fears of the great unknown go and that we could collectively summon the courage to think for ourselves and not worry about disappointing our parents or looking weird to our friends and could just drop all the bullshit and wrap our arms around each other and get to know our neighbors on this planet. That's my completely bastardized version of the "I Have a Dream Speech". (Don't worry, I'm not quitting my day job any time soon.  Not yet, anyway.)

The last several paragraphs are all complete digression, because what I came to talk to you about is August light - and gratitude and love. (yes, again - geez stop rolling your eyes...there's something to be said for all this Namaste and shit, believe it or not!!)

Honestly, I can't pretend to know what your journey is about or where you are going or what is important to you.  It's taken me quite a while to figure out what mine is all about and it's obviously still a work in progress because - well, it IS a journey, right? Rigggght. And what a journey it is! And now that I have embraced it and sown it into my DNA, it is still scary sometimes.  (Scary in an oxymoronic peaceful and loving way, of course, but still scary in all the regular ways as well.)

As idealistic and idyllic as it sounds, I really do just want us all to live in peace and harmony and to take care of one another, and to help each other and love each other and for everyone to see and feel the beauty that I see in every face I look upon, and the overwhelming love I have for this world and the people who inhabit it.

And no, my life isn't perfect.  Far from it. I make LOTS of mistakes - I've perfected that into an art form.  I am quite certain I offend people on a regular basis with my outspokenness, I don't have a lot of possessions (but then I don't want them). I have my share of debts along with a bulging pocketful of failed relationships/marriages, (or wisdom picked up on the journey), no children of my own, (but I have the most amazing children in my life ~ Abby, Izzy, Jake, Maddie, Cooper, Annabelle, JJ, Jordan & Ashton - I know you girls aren't children anymore....STOP GROWING UP! :) ), an apartment that lacks many of the comforts of home (but it's free), an aging visage, I'm 7500 miles away from the majority of the people I love (but you are all with me everywhere I go), and I gave up on the corporate ladder climbing rat race some years ago (and I couldn't be more delighted about that, mind you!)  I could go on and talk about my gray hair and my cellulite and my childhood - but why? It doesn't serve me. And it doesn't matter.

Do you want to know what else? I have NEVER been happier in my life. Ever. And I don't have a magic formula for you - remember, there ISN'T one...but I can tell you this. And I want you to lean in and listen close because this is the truest truth I have ever known.  If you love, I mean truly LOVE the world with all of your being and walk in that same love and gratitude and treat others with kindness and can manage to live without too many expectations and just accept whatever comes your way and know that everything that happens to you is a chance and an opportunity to grow and learn and yes, love - THE WORLD WILL LOVE YOU BACK. And come what may, everything WILL be ok.

This isn't about being docile or complacent or not fighting for what you know to be right or standing up for what you believe in when's about choosing to put on those rose colored glasses and just leaving them on for the simple fact that everything is more beautiful when you wear them.  And when you dwell in a positive place of love and beauty - then more of that comes your way. Alternately, when you dwell in negativity and distrust and hate, well, naturally more of that comes your way too.  And given that you have a choice....come on - you do know that you have a choice by now, don't you? given that you have a choice, I think it would be kind of marvelous if you'd give that whole shiny, happy, hippie, peace, love and namaste shit a chance.

I suppose if you have to get nitpicky, then John Lennon's version was a bit easier on the ears..."All we are give peace a chance..."

And as for August light...that IS where this whole blog started...let me just say that this August put the color in August light. If you wonder what gratitude can bring you...I can tell you what it brought me.  Besides peace, stillness, and healing, it gave me a magical full moon night on a secluded middle eastern beach, a transformative evening learning about tolerance in Islam from deeply inspirational speakers, a surreal sunset in the desert enveloped in silence (and the occasional stomach gurgle), a sweat-drenched run on a Formula 1 racetrack, blissful yoga in the park, breathtaking hikes up a mountain and through a canyon, a starlight swim in surpringly phosphorescent waters, a night under the stars engaged in chakra blowing healing rituals and conversations, enchanting and entertaining dinners in deserted restaurants, shamanic dreams, a beautifully bittersweet sunset drive home from Oman singing, laughing, being, enjoying...and the discovery of my soul in another's soul and another's soul in mine. And so much more. That's what gratitude gave me. And I'm not finished, not by a long shot.  Why not find out what gratitude will give you?

Yeah, August's the haps. September light ain't bad either...grab some and drink it in.

This is August light on my favorite running trail in Jamestown Island, VA. (August 2011)
Big sigh...


  1. Love it! August light is so fitting, this truly is a wonderful piece. Namaste n shit :)

    1. Namaste n shit! Thanks beautiful friend. (don't go stealing that phrase, now ;) )
