Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Land of the free, as long as you don't tread on me....

In the wake of all the recent onslaught of attacks and denigrations and unfriending and what feels like bizarro-world to me in the social media and life zone, primarily due to the recently resolved US elections...and my mostly by choice abstinence from the political opinion posts and revelations, I have determined, at least for the purpose of the post to try and clarify my own thoughts, beliefs, positions, etc - just in case you find me so unpalatable that you need to unfriend me or call me a name or defend your position.  I mean, you deserve that, right? You've somehow EARNED the right and position to tell ME what I am supposed to do, say, think, feel, think, vote, react to, etc? RIGHT?

No.  No, you haven't.  And NO, that doesn't mean I don't feel as passionately about my beliefs as you do. or that I am apathetic or passive.... Not by a long shot.  I do, however, truly believe in the free speech we Americans are so famous for saying we are known for, yet also so hypocritically and astoundingly flip the tables on as soon as someone disagrees with OUR position, because WE ARE RIGHT, RIGHT?

People. It's not all black and white and no I am not talking about race in any capacity.  I mean - political parties ARE bullshit, in general.  One cannot tidily sum themselves up inside a perfect little box of "I am a Republican" or "I am a Democrat" or "Fuck those losers, I am a Libertarian!!". "I'm different"..."I'm in the Tea Party"..."Independent"...."Green"..."Socialist" - what - the -fuck -ever.

I've had a few people actually ASK where I stand and QUESTION what I believe because I have not posted it actively on Facebook and whatnot.  Really? What did any of you (us) do before Facebook?  Facebook is a brilliant tool if you use it as such, but it makes me sad to see people use it as a tool to insult and demoralize and belittle and denigrate one another.  I don't know you really - or where you came from - or how you were brought up - or what shaped your beliefs in one way or another.  I don't know if your IQ supports your arguments or values or beliefs or if the only thing shaping your words and thoughts are what your parents taught you or what you heard from someone with similiar party affiliations who seems to share your views.  Regardless of your party. Therefore, as long as you are not hurting me, or another human being - on the visceral, holistic, human level - I have no beef with you.  But while we are at it... posting hate and intolerance from the comfort of your pseudo-anonymous laptop or iPad does not make you an activist...anymore than blogging my feelings from my own space of anonymity makes me a writer.  I just wannabe.

However, if you decide it is ok to invade my body, deny my rights to it and to its care, turn back the clock on my being made a bonafide, legitimate, no-shit, for real HUMAN BEING who breathes and lives just like any other human of any gender - THEN - I become militantly defendant of my body, my rights, and the unbelievable fortuitous birthright I came with just from being born an AMERICAN....that I AM human.  That I AM equal.  That my voice DOES count.  That what I feel and think and need DOES matter.  That my body belongs TO ME.  And that how I choose to live my life and who I choose to love and how I choose to vote - (which, by the way - does NOT and has NOT caused you any harm)....if these things in any way determine how you feel about me as a friend, whether real or virtual...then I feel it is my obligation to make sure that you understand exactly who I am and what I believe and where I am coming from. 

I can't sum it up in a simple "I'm a Dem or I'm a Repub" a matter of fact, I am a registered Libertarian...but not in any way shape or form because I subscribe to the doctrine of Ron Paul or any other modern day Libertarian.  For me, Libertarian speaks to my beliefs as an individual in personal responsibility and in freedom. Freedom.  Yes, FREEDOM - from persecution, judgment, malignant indoctrination - and let's face it - it is ALL malignant.... and no, I don't think government should rule everything and have dominion over my soul, but I also don't think that government should be eradicated.  What then? And what a ridiculous overgeneralization.

In fact, I fully understand that my utopic belief of sorts is something best not translated into doctrine and certainly not into dogma, because unless you are of a true similar frame of mind and peace and understanding -you quite simply aren't going to get it anyway. 

What it is, IS - simply what and how I believe.  And it doesn't fall into a party.  It is issue by issue and it is shaped by my life, my experiences, my lessons, my unravelings, and my logical and thoughtful mind that has put thought into what matters and is life changing for me and what isn't.  And THIS - is why I do no denigrate YOU because you may believe differently. It is also why I try not to applaud YOU when you express similar beliefs.  I may fail more often on this front and will give real effort to improvement. 

So, for all who have asked out loud, in emails, in conversations, or silently - this is what I believe.  It will come across as basic and maybe even simpleton to you.  But to me, it is everything and it makes sense to me. And, honestly, that's all that matters to me. 

I believe in you.  I  believe in me.  (I started another blog this way many months ago.)  It rings true still as it is core philosophy to me. 

I believe my body (and everything associated to it) is MY body. If you're invited to my body party - you get to hang out and enjoy it.  Only. and Period.  You do not get to control it, own it, exploit it, lock it down, regulate it, criminalize it, invade it, make rules for it, or direct it in any way.  EVER.  You may do with it as I say you may do with it.  Nothing more and nothing less.

I believe love is love regardless of gender.  And for anyone equating what they deem as "relevant and righteous" opposite sex marriage to real love and commitment and who are trying to keep same sex couples from entering into the same wish of a dream of a hope for a happily ever after that we heterosexuals statistically are so unsuccessful at because the words love and commitment in the end are just words unless you give them meaning and actual nourishment....well, you are just wrong.

I believe in love.  Love IS my religion. 

I do not believe in the God of the Christians or the Muslims or the Jews or the Mormons or anyone else's god.  I believe religion has done more harm than good.    I believe religion is the cyanide of the masses (Tom Robbins). I could go on forever on this topic.  I do believe you have the right to believe as you please as long as you don't cause physical, emotional or psychological harm to anyone else. 

What I wish is that you would put some actual critical thought into what you believe to ensure that you actually KNOW what you are defending and subscribing to.  This could apply to your political afiliations and any number of other topics as well.  Inform yourself. Do some research.  Don't rely on what you hear on TV, or from your parents, interest groups, or from a book written years ago by a whole bunch of different people with an agenda.

I am not an Atheist, per se.  I believe the modern day Atheist movement has taken on as much vitriolic fervor as religion and can be called its own religion these days.  So I suppose I am an Nontheist - or Non Deist - or Pantheist...or Pagan or whatever you want to call me.  I lean buddhist more than anything, but cannot call myself that.  I believe in love, in connection, in energy, in the power of our energies....and that we are living either in hell or heaven right now, this moment because it is what we have chosen for ourselves.  This may change from time to time for us all. 

I believe in doing and being good for the sake of good...and knowing that whatever I put out there will come back. Good or bad.  Positive or negative.  I have done and seen and lived and tested both on more occasions than I can count.  It may not be quantifiable, scientific proof for others, but as a self case study for me - it has been tried and retried and I am resolved to understanding it as such and admitting my responsibility for my life, my actions, my contributions.

And while I'm at it, I believe marijuana should be legal.  Period.  Not because I am an avid aficionado...I can count the number of times I have smoked pot on one hand in my whole life...but because it is foolish to keep it illegal with all that we know about it, about hemp, and its value from a sustainability and nutrition as well as medicinal front.

I could go on and on about what I believe.... but that doesn't matter to you - and it shouldn't.  But if it matters enough to sever your relationship with me - whether real or virtual - then do so with full disclosure from me. 

I can remember few times ever since I was 18 that I voted for any particular party across the board, but most of my voting history can be unequivocally placed in the Democrat box. 

I believe in integrity.  Equality.  Compassion. Authenticity. Love. Good. Joy. Discovery.  Travel. Empathy. Helping others.  PEACE. Humanity.  HUMANITY.  I feel like I should say that one over and over....In other words...I don't care about your geography or politics or socio-economic status, or religion or race or profession, or house or car, or clothes, or ANYTHING - except how you treat others - and how you interact in the greater world as a fellow human being.  And I don't believe I owe any explanation to anyone about what I believe or how I voted ever....but....

Who did I vote for in 2012? I live in the Middle East...and I voted for Obama.  And Tim Kaine.  And if I could have - I would have voted for Elizabeth Warren and Tammy Baldwin and YES to Proposition 37 in California regarding labeling GMO foods....and for legalized marijuana in every state who had it on their ballot...for same sex marriage in Maine and Maryland (where it passed) and anywhere else that it didn't pass (yet).

I voted for me.  I voted for women.  I voted for my ancestors, my friends, my progeny (real, step or metaphorical). I voted for humanity.  If all you are concerned about is the economy, tax protection and placing blame where blame doesn't necessarily belong - well, then I simply don't understand you.

...and because I am tired, exhausted actually- and must sleep - if further clarification for evaluation of whether to maintain contact or friendship with me is needed, read an old post:

If you've paid any attention at all, you know at least one of my mantras...

Love, people.  Just. Love. 

Be good to each other, ya'll.  and to yourselves...and if you wanna talk about it - give me a holler.


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