Monday, August 27, 2012 starts within

"You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free." ~Thich Nhat Hanh

Freedom. Is. Primary.
Love. Is. Primary.
The art of living is underdeveloped....

Free yourselves. (what did Bob Marley say?..."Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery...none but ourselves can free our minds...)

Let's start a movement...right now.  You. Me. The people across the street.  The taxi driver. The guy on the corner. The woman behind the veil. The child on the swing. That person you need to say hello to.  That relationship you need to let go of. Our dreams. Our hopes. Our fears.  Our energy. Our love. Let's start a movement. And let's not stop. Not ever. We can create an energy vortex and field of vibration that will move mountains. Change lives. Heal souls. Yield beauty. Bring about love only dreamed of...It's possible, you know? So what are any of us waiting for?

Let's channel every ounce of everything we have into the courage to open ourselves up, to tell fear it's time to hit the road!...To bravely love ourselves and everyone in the world because of the very simple and undeniable fact that we are all connected.  To consider kindness when we find ourselves know compassion and empathy when we just want to blow up at that person who pushes our think twice and maybe a dozen times before every interaction with a child because everything we do is a blueprint to them for how to live, how to be, how to love, how to follow our dreams, how to become human, to make mistakes, to grow, to bounce back from failure, to be kind to others, how to forgive forgive to live - really, truly live...and think....and breathe...and play....and engage in the world, interact with it.  Get to know it.  LOVE it. Laugh in it.  Cry in it. Pursue every passion as if their/our lives depended on it (because I believe it does). Show the little ones how to follow their curiousity and to not accept mediocrity even if it seems like the noble path.  It isn't. Teach them not to judge. By not judging. Teach them acceptance. By accepting.  Teach them tolerance.  By tolerating. Teach them adventure.  By adventuring.  Teach them that fear is normal, natural...not weak.  Teach them that the only way to overcome our fears, is to face them. Teach them that it's ok to break.  But also teach them how to give themselves time and space to heal. Love them. Discipline them. Listen to them.  Hug them. Correct them. Feed them and teach them to feed themselves.  As you do all of'll teach yourself too.  You'll grow. You'll heal.  You'll reflect, and magnify what is most important.  Love.

Let's show strangers how to dance.  Let's teach those who have never heard music to sing.  By singing them our songs. Our songs of joy, of love, of soul wrenching sorrow, of wishes, of desire, of broken hearts...Sing them.  Sing your truth.  Sing to heal yourself.  Sing to feel.  Sing to live.

And for fucksake...let's remind each other that life isn't about political isn't about isn't about choosing isn't about outdoing someone isn't about retreating into our own souls and hiding from the isn't about protecting ourselves from getting hurt. 

Get hurt.  Bleed.  Feel. Love. Laugh. Cry. Yell. Scream. Lose. Fall. Soar. Be. Seriously, just fucking BE. No one else is going to do it for you.
Inspire. Dream. Love. Breathe....Lather, rinse, repeat.  <ahhhhhhh, doesn't that feel gooooood?>

Make it count. It isn't selfish. It's sanity.

...And it spreads wonder and beauty to everyone around you. There's a lot of madness out there these days...but also so much beauty. More than maybe you remember.  Whichever and whatever you or I choose to feed is what will manifest itself in our lives.  Hold yourself.  Hug yourself. Tell yourself it is all going to be ok. (It is). Love yourself. (you deserve it).Forgive yourself. (it's time)... And then step out onto the corners of the world and dance right on the edge. The view is beautiful from the edge.  Otherworldly.

I see it in you.  I know it's there. I know it's hard and that it is oh, so scary.  DO IT ANYWAY. But, don't do it for me.  Don't do it for someone else.  Don't do it unless you feel something stir and move within you when you read this...but if you do feel something...if you are moved...if stirred, then I'll share a secret with you....It is so much more beautiful and electric than you EVER imagined. And this whole living, loving, embracing your joy, forgiving yourself thing that I keep clammoring on about? (that IS what I am talking about....) well, let's just say you'll be amazed at the smile that attaches itself to your heart and the way that same smile breathes life into others...It is healing.  And you ARE worthy of it. The world is worthy of it.  We have the power to heal it.  I want to heal it.  Join me?

I'll see you there on the peaceful battlefield.
Love, people.  Just. Love.

this little blog post is a work in progress...I'm forgiving myself and allowing myself to come back and edit often...

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