Monday, May 9, 2011

epiphany / "duh" moment...

I just had a terribly grown up thought today and felt it needed preserving for posterity (and for me), so onto the blogosphere it goes...

Basically, it goes a little something like this....

If you haven't even defined your own parameters or "cards" yet, it is neither prudent nor wise to judge, dismiss or become angry or indignant with someone else for their cards or philosophy.  Or worse, your perception of their agenda, if they even have one.

It is never in your best interests to expect anyone to adhere to your game plan (or preconceived notion).   In fact, don't even worry yourself with what anyone else is doing.  Let people be.  If your desires intersect, beautiful.  If not, let them be.  It's a truly great gift to give yourself and to your fellow humankind.

In other words, define your cards before demanding anyone else put theirs on the table and then when you do put your cards on the table....?  Well then, make sure you know what the hell you are talking about...and make sure you mean what you think you mean and that you actually know what you want. (as opposed to some societally conditioned set of expectations or some other such nonsense.)

Because - and remember this - you're going to get what you put out into the void, even if it is confusion or an ill-defined desire.  It will just come back to you as ill-defined confusion and really, who needs more of that? You know, just be careful what energy you send out there...

I'd like to see less angst and more open and honest communication without fear of loss or admonishment.  Say what you need to say. Do what you need to do. Be what you need to be.  Feel what you need to feel....and most of all, say it, do it, be it and feel it for YOU.

....then OWN it. It's yours.  No need to attach ownership to anyone else or give them responsibility for what you want. 

And that, as they say, is all.

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