Monday, November 22, 2010

time to go?

Ok, two words.
Animal slaughter.

Ok, well actually three words.
Live animal slaughter. (of course, it has to be live if it is slaughter...)

So we'll go with four words.
Live, PUBLIC animal slaughter.

With all due respect to Abraham and tradition,  is it REALLY necessary to import goats, sheep and cows into nations (such as the one I am currently a resident in)  who celebrate Eid and to slit the throats of animals literally right in the street where we walk, run, play, ride bikes, etc? In front of children.  Close to where they are also picnicing and bbq'ing?

As I was on my regular weekend run a few days ago, I kept thinking to myself as I happened upon several large brownish, red, puddled and smeared stains ("Wow! That looks like blood!  Did they slaughter something here?")   At the time, I was simply having an involuntary and uneducated monologue in my head and had no idea that YES, it was in fact blood and YES something had been slaughtered there!! Where in the heck am I and what century is this?

Filing this under "culture horror", not culture shock.   And, note to self, perhaps I am not as tolerant as I have labeled myself.  This is why I shy away from labels.  I know I can't live up to them, so why try?  Just makes me a hypocrite.

I suppose this gives more credence to why I have been advised to "lay low" and "stay away from large crowds" during the Eid celebration and in general.


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