Sunday, November 7, 2010

Methinks there's magic afoot...all you have to do is choose it...

Sometimes...oftentimes really... if you slow down long enough to pay attention and listen to your own heartbeat and to the heartbeat of the people and the places around you - the world is a wondrous and magical place with a capacity for renewal and rebirth and reinvention that is astounding.  (And Harriet McDonald might note that my capacity for creating a run-on sentence is astounding as well...I'm sorry, Mrs.'s that stream of consciousness thing I always tried to turn into profound transcendentalism, but just never could quite accomplish it.)

In spite of this everyday magic and earthly splendor.....things, events, circumstances, people and situations can sometimes still surprise you.  And in surprising you, give you the very distinct feeling that all is new and fresh and that all things are possible.  At these times, the world seems to be painted more vividly, the light more illuminating, your heart and your thoughts - more kind and forgiving.  How does that old saying go?  Hope springs eternal?! Yes.  I think that is it.  Hope.  A small word with so much meaning and depth.  So much mileage and so many eternities wrapped up inside it. 

Hope.  The feeling a seed has before it becomes a tree. The feeling a new parent feels when gazing at their newborn. The excitement of the young teen on his first date.  The angst of waiting to hear about that job interview.  The worry of the family by the side of a hospitalized loved one.  The anticipation of a newer, brighter, richer economy.  Waiting for the first rain after a long, tough drought.  The dream that war will end.  Again.  From the trivial to the profound.  The banal to the extraordinary.  Hope turns on a dime and opens up worlds of endless possibilities. 

And then, there's magic.  Many say it does not exist.  I can only imagine they haven't seen it or felt it then and my hope, (smile), is that they will someday - and soon!

Think about it.  Magic~  nothing mystical or witchcrafty.  Everyday stuff.  The first green of spring (or ANY green while in the middle east). The first snowfall of winter (especially if you are a child of any age).  The stranger that ran down the street to return your purse or passport which you absentmindedly left behind.  Making it home alive in insane driving conditions that I refer to as Kuwaiti Traffic Roulette. Your child's first steps.  Your first kiss.  Even better, your LAST first kiss.... (looking forward to that one).  Someone returns your lost dog home to you safe and sound with the reward poster in hand but doesn't take the reward.  Ordinary stuff that seems extraordinary because it just FEELS that way to you.  It makes you think something otherworldly has happened or is happening. 

Magic is like the other side of hope.  It is what happens when you have that hope and live as authentically and genuinely as you can and then - BOOM!!! BAM!!! It happens.   With hopes fulfilled, you experience magic.

I've seen magic all my life and it's been kicked up quite a few notches of late.  And do you know what I am going to do with it?  I'm going to enjoy the hell out of it.  Because life really is too short.  And as someone I haven't met yet recently stated "Doctors say I only have 40 to 50 years left to live...I intend to make the most of the short time I have remaining." 

This brings me to choice.  Choice.  With the power of choice, and it is ALWAYS within your power to choose, even to decide that you have the power... lies the foundation for hope and the catalyst for magic. Choose to create your own magic and the spread hope in others.  There are plenty of negative and destructive contagions in the world.  What so few realize is that hope, love, good deeds, positivity, magic, and laughter are contagions as well.  I've even heard it said "where there is light, no darkness can exist" and in sheer metaphorical form - I believe it. 

The universe recently told me...ok, so it was a fake quote from the universe, but it sure sounds like something the universe would say if it were talking to me.... 

"The path to enlightenment is not a path at all, it's actually a metaphor for the time it takes for you to allow yourself to be happy with who you already are, where you're already at, and what you already have - no matter what." - the Universe

Choices.  I decided some time ago to follow my curiousity and to choose the life that is defined by me and colored by those I consider myself lucky to have in it.  So far, I'm digging it.  Choose your magic.  Choose your life.  Own it.  And for crying out loud - make the most of it, even if you only have 40 or 50 more years.


if this all sounded live babbling drivel to any readers, my deepest apologies.  It is 11PM, I've been up since 3AM and might just be delirious... Ma'salaama, my friends.  Till another day.

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