Monday, December 24, 2012

favorite night of the year....

it's funny, or maybe not so funny - that I just typed this post topic when I received a text from a beautiful friend that simply said "This is my favorite night of the year".

Connection.  Energy. Love.  We are all part of it. We know it on a soul level, though we forget it so often and the discovery of it never ever ceases to amaze and astound me.

So, I'm sitting alone on this Christmas Eve, 2012 - reflecting...typing...listening to Christmas tunes in the Middle East. Thinking. Dreaming. Wishing. Hoping that in the typing I am creating something.  For myself. For you.  For others.  For anyone.

And I'm sincerely and from the bottom of my heart, hoping that you are not sitting alone this Christmas eve and that your arms and eyes and hearts are filled with the ones you love and who love you.

This night is filled with so much love and anticipation and a kid, you're surrounded by loved ones and hugs and kisses and good food and laughs and stories that people don't usually tell and are enticed by all the wrapped packages under the tree...stockings hung on the hearth...and the dream of Santa, a magic sleigh and flying reindeer....wondrous elves who have been creating all your dreams with their little hands at the North Pole.

Then....we grow up and if you are lucky, you get to spend this night with little ones of your own or even not your own but that you are fortunate to have in your life...and can get entirely caught up in their excitement and their boundless energy - till they crash - even when they tried so hard not to - so they can sleep before Santa comes.  Then the morning ridiculousness ensues when they awaken way before they should and before you are ready....but you drag your ass out of bed, grab a coffee and watch with joy and a frog in your throat as they rip open their packages and squeal with excitement and surprise and thanks you's for each gift.  Beautiful.

There are a million other reasons this night was always so amazing to me.  It always was the night I would sit in my Mimi's house and wait impatiently for my daddy to arrive from wherever he lived at the time.  It was sheer, unadulterated joy that I felt the moment I saw his car turn into the drive and when he entered the back door of my grandma's house.  And even though I'm not a subscriber to the religious doctrine...the whole Bethlehem, guiding star, three wise men, no room in the inn, giving birth to the baby Jesus story is one of the most beautiful to me and can still bring me to tears...yep - even a "non-believer" can be moved and most certainly not offended when someone wishes me "Merry Christmas".

And in the UAE...I had so many people wish me a Merry drivers, my doorman...the cashier at the supermarket...the cashier in the liquor store who knows everyone by Emirati friends, my Christian friends, my atheist friends, my Jewish friends, my friends whose religious beliefs I don't know nor need to know because it's Christmas and they wished me a Merry one.  Texts from around the globe.  Emails.  (no phone calls...wait, what's up with that?? we have skype for crying out loud, people!)

I suppose I could go on and on in this post about Christmas eve and it's intangible yet almost touchable magic. But there's no need.  It means something different and real for each of us.  Hopefully something beautiful.  Something that still fills your little girl or little boy heart with hope...and not for gifts or presents...but for hope itself.  For love.  For the reason we are all here.  Each other.  And who we are and what we might become. 

I wish you all so much joy and peace and love....I haven't a clue how to express it.  But wish it, I do.  Know that wherever you are, if I have known you, been known by you, loved you, been loved by you, that you have my gratitude and my wishes that this Christmas is your best yet.  It's all up to you.  And me.  And all of us.  Peace on earth - good will towards men.  How lovely if we could all paint  this feeling and sentiment into our hearts and souls and pull out the brush when needed just to remind ourselves - or someone else/  (I'll tell you a secret....We can.  You can.  I can. So... let's! Shall we?)

Yes. Let's keep the magic and love of Christmas alive - every day - regardless of your religious affiliation.  You know what it's about.  Yeah.... me too. 

Peace, love and namaste~

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