Thursday, August 12, 2010

What's your type?

Someone recently asked me "what's your type?"...suggesting they were trying to figure out what sort of men I am interested in...dark, fair, blonde with blue eyes, latino, red heads, men of color, muscleheads, thin men, artsy men, masculine men, man-scaped men, rednecks, jocks, the strong silent type or the loud boisterous type...and as I started to answer I realized two things.

1) the question is ridiculous. 
2) I have never had a "type" and that makes me smile to hear myself say it.  I realized that I really am in touch with myself enough and wth my inner workings and thought mechanisms to notice the physiological changes that occur chemically and biologically when I am drawn to a man.  There is no common denominator, other than the basic fact of them being of the male persuasion.  I am drawn to something far deeper than the outer shell of a person, although I admit that I am as shallow as they come initially when assessing the "looks" of another. 

So I wonder why some people really do have a specific "type".  I've known many men who only dated blondes, or whites or blacks or asian women...only smokers, only non smokers, only those in a certain tax bracket, only those with 0% body get the gist.  Odd.  I don't have answers, just musing, wondering, curious.... 

what draws you to another person?  Tell me - I would like to know.  Get as deep as you like....I may use your story in a book some day. 

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